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How is e-trading changing?

The retail market has seen exponential growth in the last decade, with some brokers now doing more volume than some banks. As a result trading is much more complex. Many brokers are only just beginning to realise the harm that is being done to their businesses.

Getting through the festive season Mahi style
Nicola Clifton Nicola Clifton

Getting through the festive season Mahi style

Nothing quite compares to the way we celebrate the festive period in the UK. The extravagant food, drinks, office parties (in-person and virtual!), gifts and more. If there’s one thing we know how to do well, it’s spending December with a drink in one hand, pig-in-blanket in the other, waving goodbye to another year of hard work.

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4 facts about our industry we bet you didn’t know
Nicola Clifton Nicola Clifton

4 facts about our industry we bet you didn’t know

Electronic trading is incredibly popular, set to gain further interest over the coming years. A combination of decentralisation and technological advancements (and a sprinkling of pandemic lockdowns/forum discussions giving it a boost!) has meant that trading is extremely accessible with millions of people around the globe becoming increasingly more interested in learning more and participating.

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4 common things you need to avoid to have a successful e-trading business
Nicola Clifton Nicola Clifton

4 common things you need to avoid to have a successful e-trading business

Whether you’re a seasoned expert or relatively new to the world of running an e-trading business or team, there are some things we don’t realise are hindering success. Here are four of the most common mistakes we see our clients making, and why they won’t help you in the long-run.

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Is your risk management system the right fit for your business?
Nicola Clifton Nicola Clifton

Is your risk management system the right fit for your business?

On the surface, your existing system might look impressive with all the tools and shiny features it offers, but if you don’t know how to utilise these or what to look for, you won’t be able to resolve the issues that led you to investing in the software in the first place. Much like flying a plane, it’s all well and good having a cockpit full of buttons and controls, but if you don’t know what to use, and when to use it, you won’t be jetting off anywhere soon.

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4 inspiring business leaders as nominated by Mahi
Nicola Clifton Nicola Clifton

4 inspiring business leaders as nominated by Mahi

Running a business is no small feat and it’s certainly not for the faint of heart. Learning from mistakes, overcoming challenges, knowing your strengths and weaknesses and leading a productive, happy team are just a few things required to keep a successful business thriving. That might already seem like a lot to keep on top of, so what does a leader need to do to achieve ‘inspirational’ status? We put this question to Team Mahi by asking them which business leaders they currently take inspiration from - here’s who they nominated.

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Stop Classifying Clients By Spreadsheet, Boost Productivity and Avoid Unwanted Losses
Nicola Clifton Nicola Clifton

Stop Classifying Clients By Spreadsheet, Boost Productivity and Avoid Unwanted Losses

While your overall PnL may look alright on the surface, if you dig a little deeper the results can be really quite surprising. There are multiple ways you may be losing money without even realising it, including simple PnL, commission and rebates, and limiting flow to only being monetisable via sophisticated algorithmic techniques and predictive trading signals. So, what can we do to minimise, and even entirely prevent these losses?

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Mahi Top Trumps
Nicola Clifton Nicola Clifton

Mahi Top Trumps

MFX Compass: Highly intelligent, highly configurable, highly effective. Basically a Transformer with fewer car parts and more computer wizardry. Able to manage flow in intricate detail, optimise hedging, and give your business a competitive edge, all while successfully navigating David’s accent (and could probably give you some help with that too). With automated risk management and a powerful pricing engine, there’s little this mighty piece of software can’t achieve.

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Client case study: How we helped our client take control of their business
Nicola Clifton Nicola Clifton

Client case study: How we helped our client take control of their business

By introducing them to new operational methods, they’ve been able to recover cash from hedging, tighten their pricing, highlight flow with monetisable potential by introducing a C-book, and we are now in the process of helping them with cryptocurrency pricing and risk management. With a healthy 78% increase in volume, and far greater control over their flow the client has been delighted with the transformation to their business.

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Life after lockdown
Nicola Clifton Nicola Clifton

Life after lockdown

It’s been a long 18 months in and out of lockdown, working from home, no pubs (!) and, as much as we love them, the same family/friends in our bubbles. But with the arrival of Freedom Day and things slowly returning to normal, we’ve been enjoying resuming life and planning some new and exciting things in our calendars as the world slowly reopens. We asked Team Mahi what they’re most enjoying or looking forward to now that we can finally venture out again.

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