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How is e-trading changing?
The retail market has seen exponential growth in the last decade, with some brokers now doing more volume than some banks. As a result trading is much more complex. Many brokers are only just beginning to realise the harm that is being done to their businesses.

7 inspiring quotes from famous traders that will give you a boost
Inspirational quotes play an important role, from keeping us motivated and giving us fresh ideas, to acting as important reminders and preventing mistakes. At MahiMarkets, we love reading up on quotes that might challenge our mindset and keep us thinking outside the box. Here are five inspirational quotes from famous traders, sharing their thoughts on everything from business culture to trading strategy.

Why partnering with the right company matters
In order to be sure a partnership is right for your business, there are a few considerations to take into account. To avoid any negative situations, here are three factors to keep in mind when looking for your next business partner.

6 inspiring quotes from business leaders
At MahiMarkets, we’re big believers in learning from the success of others. Listening to entrepreneurs and actioning their advice is a great way to gain further insight into what’s important for your business and motivate your team. From startup advice and team culture to motivation and communication, here are some of our favourite quotes from some of the world’s most famous business leaders.

Business Housekeeping Checklist
Historically, summer has always been a quiet time for financial organisations: there are few events to attend, people tend to take vacation time, and the ‘summer slowdown’ comes into effect. Hopefully we haven’t just jinxed ourselves, but now is a great time to do a little self-auditing within your business to prepare for busier times. Here’s what’s on our list.

What’s in a name? The origins of Mahi
As a small business with big ambitions, we built Mahi to be a company that has a clear identity and culture: we do the mahi by working hard, innovating and accomplishing. And, of course, we get those treats at the end. With a definition that matched our values so well, it was hard to imagine calling ourselves anything else!

The importance of data in decision-making
Since it's fairly recent inception, analytics has made some huge leaps in development, helping countless businesses across all industries to improve efficiency and become more profitable. However, seeing the numbers is only half the story; companies need to understand how best to interpret and use their data in order to get optimal results. Being able to do this effectively will give you considerable advantage and gear you up for success in the long run.

Benefits of MFX Compass
Our flagship product, MFX Compass, is a highly configurable automated pricing and risk management system that allows you to manage your flow in intricate detail and optimise the PnL of your business.

London’s best parks: voted for by Mahi
With summer on its way and (hopefully) some more hot, bright days ahead, we’re looking forward to gaining back a bit of normality in our lives with some park hangs in the sunshine. Whether it’s enjoying a picnic lunch with our colleagues, catching up with some friends we’ve not seen in a while, spending quality time with family, or maybe even taking the occasional run* (who are we kidding, *rum), there are plenty of beautiful locations to take advantage of all over London.

The life of MFX Echo
Our trusty and loyal assistant, MFX Echo, helps many customers to analyse their business, diagnosing issues that are causing them harm. Occasionally, people ask us what differentiates MFX Echo from the other analytical systems on the market. To us, this is very clear: MFX Echo is the work of multiple years of direct trading experience, operating at the front line of e-trading. It has been crafted with fine detail and dedication to helping others, designed by traders for traders. Crucially, we are also extremely fortunate in not only diagnosing issues with MFX Echo but also assisting clients in fixing those issues.

Knowing the right time to change your trading technology provider
Changing your trading technology provider is not a decision that should be taken lightly, but is often a necessity when you want to take your business further and there are certain elements holding you back.