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How is e-trading changing?
The retail market has seen exponential growth in the last decade, with some brokers now doing more volume than some banks. As a result trading is much more complex. Many brokers are only just beginning to realise the harm that is being done to their businesses.
5 Risk Management Myths Debunked
Many eFX companies are reluctant to utilise risk management software, often believing that they’re costly, complex, and unnecessary to the success of their business. In reality, this is not necessarily true, and a quality risk management system is imperative to ensuring that your P&L remains stable in the event of market volatility.
What Makes a Specialist Special?
When you specialise, you get to understand the issues in-depth - much like a neurologist comes to understand every corner and crevice of the brain. This gives you the basis to come up with new ideas that can help improve operational efficiency, as well as customer service.
How to Profitably Manage EAs
For most brokers, EAs are an integral part of doing business. Our clients have found that it’s difficult to differentiate the good from the bad.